Can't escape the burn
Oh, the pain
Gasping for air
Filled with smoke
Burns my inside
Need air
Real air
Can't get it
Help, please
No one
Can hear me
Over the burning roar
Of the flames, the fire,
Their viscous tongues
Burning everything
More pain
Where is home?
Where is safety?
They will still fight me
Every single step
Of the way
And they won't stop
Will never stop
I collapse
They have
Injured me
Beaten me
And I can not go back
Can only give up
Flames surround me
Burn me, tear me
Away from the world
I thought I knew
But I did not know it
Because they did this
So I give up
It is the only way
We can't go down fighting
Because we will all someday
Grow still
So why fight it?
The flames, the fires,
Surround and trap.
Us, the world, the wishing,
Will never save us
From this fate.