Weekend Morning

I wake up the earliest, as usual,
But I lay in bed still, daydreaming,
Or trying to remember an actual dream
I had that night.

Then I come downstairs at 8:00
Because it is a weekend
And I get to sleep in.

Usually it is just me and my brother downstairs,
And it is really quiet until someone else comes downstairs
That's ok
Because just being with my brother
Makes me happy.

We have breakfast together
And talk with our mouths full
About video games
Dreams we had
How we hate folding laundry
Dungeons and Dragons

And then Mom or Dad come downstairs
And make their coffee
And Mom plays Animal Crossing
Dad plays Baldur's Gate
And me and my brother play video games
Until me and him
Need to fold our laundry

And that is our morning.
Sometimes it's not always peaceful
Because me and my brother fight over something
Or we're too loud
And Dad yells down the stairs to be quiet
And we become gloomy
But that's ok
Because our day
Always gets better.
It's just the beginning of a new day
And we can change our day
To be looking towards
A better afternoon.


Starry Sky: Backstory Chapter 2

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